Wednesday 5 July 2023

Computing definition of an E-commerce website



Definition of an E-commerce website

E-commerce website- In a nutshell, you can understand an E-commerce website as a platform for purchasing and selling goods over the internet.(Editorial, 2022)

On Your online adventure, You may have come across several E-commerce stores and purchased items from them, So all those websites that let you purchase various goods services via the internet are          E-commerce websites.(Editorial, 2022)

Alternatively, you can even understand it as a business method or model that involves online sales transaction.(Editorial, 2022)

To be precise , E-commerce website include visually appealing designs to highlight the products and services that you've  to offer . Moreover, these websites integrate other various sophisticated features. Such as filtering products, shipping methods, payment policy and other services.(Editorial, 2022)

Editorial, S. (2022) What is eCommerce website? + how does it work?, SiteNerdy. Available at: (Accessed: 05 July 2023).

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