Wednesday 6 September 2023

Research about SDLC, discussing it's methodology, benefits and key stages. Comment on activities you have conducted during your website development that correlates with the stages

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is a systematic process for planning, creating, testing, deploying, and maintaining software applications or systems. It provides a structured framework for software development projects, ensuring that they are completed on time, within budget, and with the desired functionality and quality. There are various SDLC methodologies, and I'll discuss the most common one, the Waterfall model, along with its benefits and key stages. I'll also provide comments on how website development aligns with these stages.(Admin, 2023)

Methodology: Waterfall Model

The Waterfall model is a traditional and linear approach to SDLC. It consists of a series of well-defined stages, with each stage dependent on the deliverables of the previous one. Here are the key stages:

Requirements Gathering and Analysis:Activity During Website Development: This stage involves understanding the client's requirements, goals, and objectives for the website. It includes discussions, interviews, and surveys to gather necessary information.

System Design:Activity During Website Development: In this stage, the website's architecture, structure, and design are planned. Activities include creating wireframes, sitemaps, and designing the user interface (UI).

Implementation (Coding):Activity During Website Development: Developers write the code for the website based on the design specifications. This includes front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end (server-side scripting, databases) development.

Testing:Activity During Website Development: The website undergoes various testing phases, such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). Bugs and issues are identified and fixed.

Deployment:Activity During Website Development: The final, tested website is deployed to a production server or made available to users. This includes setting up hosting, domain configuration, and ensuring a smooth launch.

Maintenance and Support:Activity During Website Development: After the website is live, ongoing maintenance is crucial. This includes addressing user feedback, bug fixes, updates, and enhancements.

Benefits of SDLC:

Structured Approach: SDLC provides a systematic and organized approach to software development, ensuring that all necessary steps are taken.

Improved Collaboration: It fosters collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and clients by defining roles and responsibilities.

Quality Assurance: The testing phases in SDLC help identify and rectify issues early in the development process, resulting in higher software quality.

Transparency: SDLC provides visibility into the project's progress, making it easier to manage timelines and budgets.

Risk Management: It allows for early identification and mitigation of risks, reducing the chances of project failure.

Website Development and SDLC:

During website development, I have conducted activities aligned with SDLC stages:Requirements Gathering: I have interacted with clients to understand their website needs, objectives, and target audience.
Design: I've created wireframes and design mockups to visualize the website's layout and UI.
Coding: I've written HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side code to build website features.
Testing: I've conducted thorough testing to ensure the website functions correctly, including cross-browser testing and responsiveness testing.
Deployment: I've configured web hosting, domain settings, and ensured a smooth website launch.
Maintenance: Ongoing support and maintenance involve regular updates, bug fixes, and adding new features based on user feedback.


Admin. (2023, January 18). The SDLC Process Key phases and Methodologies | Edvantis. Edvantis.

The SDLC: phases, popular models, benefits & more. (2022, June 1). Raygun Blog.

Excel, Create charts and graphs to represent your data,

 On This blog we will be discuss about charts and graphs represent my data

As You can see on to screenshot this chart show How is Totale Sale but bottom graphs sho us how much profit we got

MS Excel, create a product database with at least 10 entries

On this blog byusing MS Excel, create a product database with at least 10 entries, with screenshots to document and show your progress.

Product ID column is show product number
Product Name column  show Name of products.
Unit price colums show coast of product to make it.
Sale price colums show us price for How much we sell to client or business
Stock quantity colums show us how many stock we got on stock
Srock Sold column show us how many product of single lane we already sold
Total Cost colums show us how much money been invest for products
Total Sale column show us total sale of products
Profit column show us clear profit without unit price

What ia an ERD. Define the ERD related terms, including entities, attributes, cardinalities and relationships


On this blog we will be find out what is ERD related terms, including enttities, attributes, cardinalities and relationship.

An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of the structure and organization of data within a database system. ERDs are commonly used in database design to illustrate how diffrent entities are related to each other and how data is organized.(Peterson, 2023)

Terms related to ERDs:

Entities: are objects, concepts, or things in the real world that are represented in the database. each entity in an ERD is typically shown as a rectangle or a table and corresponds to a table in a relational database. Examples of entities could be "Custumer, Product, Employee or Order"

Attributes: are characteristics or properties of entities. They describe the data that is associated with an entity. Attributes are offten shown as olves or columns inside the entitity rectangle. For example for a Custumer entity, attributes might include Custumer ID Name Email and Phone Number.

Cardinalities: define the relationship between entities and specify how many instances of one entity are related to another entity. Cardinalities are represented using notations like "1" (one) :M"(Many) or "0" (zero)

One-to One (1:1) A single instance of one entity is associated with a single instance of another entity

One-to-Many (1:M) A single instance of entity can be related to multiple instances of another entity.

Many-to-One (M:1) Multiple instances of one entity can be related to a single instance of another entity.

Many-to-Many(M:M) Multiple instances of one entity can be related to multiple instances of another entity.

Relationships: represent how entities are connected or related to each other witin the database. Relationships are typically depicted as lines connecting the entities, and they have names that describe the nature of the relationship, such as "Owns, Works For or Purcharse Fom"


Entity relationship diagram (ERD) (no date) Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) - What is an ER Diagram? Available at: (Accessed: 06 September 2023).

Peterson, R. (2023). Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram Model with DBMS Example. Guru99.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Custumer Database

 On this blog Custumer Databese is this topic on Excel

I created this Spreedsheet at Excel because I need show entity of each column
Custumer ID is show number of the Client
Column with First name, Surname Adress, Phone number Email show Personal datails each clients

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Understanding of databases. Explore the database advantages and write about database concepts such as primary and foreign keys


On this blog we explore what is a Database, Advantages of using databes also example

Definition of a Database- is a structure collection of data that is organized, stored, and managed in a way that allows for efficient retrieval, updating, and manipulation of information. tI provides a systematic approach to store and manage data, ensuring data integrity, security, and availability. Database used to store various types of information, ranging from simple data like names adresses to complex data like financial records, product invetories, annd multimedia content.(Peterson, 2023)

Advantages of Using a Database:

Data Integrity: Databases enforce data integrity rules and constraints, preventing the storage of inconsistent or invalid data. This ensures that the information stored is accurate and reliable.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Data Security: Databases allow for controlled access to data, enabling administrators to define user roles and permissions. This restricts unauthorized access and helps protect sensitive information.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Data Consistency: databases provides mechanisms for maintaining consistent data across multiple related tables or records, reducing data redundancy and nsuring uniformity.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Efficient Data Retrieval: Databases use indexing and querying mechanisms to retrieve specific data quickly, even from large datasets, improving overall performance.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Scalability: Databases can handle large amounts of data and can be scaled up as data volume grows, ensuring that the systems remains responsive and efficient.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Concurrency Control: Databases support multiple users accessing and updating data simultaneosly without conflicts.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Data Relationship: Databases allow the establisment of reationship between diffrent data entities, facilitating complex data modeling and analysis.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Buckup and Recovery: Databases offers mechanism for creating backups and restoring data in case of system failures, minimizing data loss and downtime.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Data Sharing: Databases enable concurrent access to data by multiple users and applications, facilitating collaboration and sharing of information.(Mainul Kabir Aion, 2016)

Example of a Database:

Perfect example of a database is  "Online Library Managment System." In this system, infromation about books , authors, borrowers, and transactions is stored in a structured manner to efficiently manage the library's operations. The databases stores details such as book titles, autor names, borrower IDs, due dates, and availability status. Users can search for books, borrow and return them, ant the system automatically updates the database to reflect changes in inventory and borrow records.

Databases Concepts:

Primary Key- a primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a database table. It ensure that each row has a distinct identity, making it easy to reference and retrieve specidic records. Primary keys are typically implemented using auto-incrementing integers, unique indentifiers, or composite keys (multiple columns combined).

Foreign Key: A foreign key is a field in one table that reffers to the primary key in another table, establishing a relationship between the two tables. Foreign keys are crucial for creatig associations and maintaining data integrity.


Girl with database tables free stock photo and image (no date) Girl With Database Tables Free Stock Photo and Image. Available at: (Accessed: 09 August 2023).

Peterson, R. (2023) What is a database? definition, meaning, types with example, Guru99. Available at: (Accessed: 09 August 2023).

Published by Mainul Kabir Aion on December 13 and Mainul Kabir Aion (2016) What are the advantages of database?, Mainul Kabir Aion. Available at: (Accessed: 09 August 2023).

Thursday 3 August 2023

Research what Alt Tags and Title Tags in HTML, and discuss how they improve SEO for your E-commerce website


In this blog, we will focus on what is Alt Tags and Title Tags in HTML

Alt Tags (Alternative Text):- Alt tags, also known as alternative text or alt attributes, are HTML attributes used to describe images on a web page. They serve as text alternatives for images when they cannot be displayed or accessed by users, such as in case of a slow internet connection, browser limitations, or for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers to navigate the web. (Gor, 2022)

For SEO purposes, all tags are crucial because search engine crawlers cannot interpret images directly. By using descriptive alt tags, you provide search engines with information about the content and context of the images. This helps search engines understand what the images are about, making your content more accessible and potentially increasing your chances of ranking higher in image search results. (Gor, 2022)

When optimizing alt tags for my e-commerce websites:

Use descriptive and relevant text: Write alt text that accurately describes the image, including relevant keywords when appropriate.

Keep it concise: Be brief but informative; ideally, alt tags should be a few words to a sentence long.

Avoid keyword stuffing: Don't overuse keywords or use irrelevant information in the alt text. Focus on providing useful descriptions.

Title Tags- are HTML elements that define the title of a web page. They are displayed in the browser's title bar or tab and are essential for the both SEO and user experience. Search engines use title tags to understand the primary topic of a page and consider them one of the most critical on-page SEO factors. (Kang, 2023)

For  E-commerce websites, properly optimized title tags can improve SEO in the following way:

Keyword optimization: Include relevant keywords related to the page's content and the products or services offered on the e-commerce website. This helps search engines understand the context of the page and rank it higher for relevant searches. (Kang, 2023)

Title tags for my E-commerce websites:

Keep unique: The page has a distinct title that reflects its specific content.

Limit the length: keep titles within the recommended length, around 50-60 characters, to ensure to display correctly in search engine results.

Make relevant and compelling: Craft titles that accurately describe the page content.


Gor, T. (2022) Alt tag definition - what is an alt tag?, Encyclopedia. Available at: (Accessed: 03 August 2023).

Kang, J. (2023) What is a title tag? best practices & examples, SEOptimer. Available at: (Accessed: 03 August 2023).

Title, tag, seo icon in Seo & Marketing Icons (no date) Title, tag, seo Icon in Seo & Marketing Icons. Available at: (Accessed: 03 August 2023).

‘alt+tags’ images – browse 0 stock photos, vectors, and video (no date) Adobe Stock. Available at: (Accessed: 03 August 2023).

Research about SDLC, discussing it's methodology, benefits and key stages. Comment on activities you have conducted during your website development that correlates with the stages SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is a systematic ...